Member Organisations

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Polish Association of Industrial Hygienists ( Polskie Towarzystwo Higienistów Przemysowych (PTHP)

Polish Association of Industrial Hygienists ( Polskie Towarzystwo Higienistów Przemysowych (PTHP)

Polish Association of Industrial Hygienists (PAIH) was registered in 1992 as a professional and scientific organization grouping persons active in the field of occupational hygiene.

The objectives of PAIH are:

  • promotion of progress in the area of occupational hygiene and upgrading occupational hygiene to the rank of a scientific discipline;
  • upgrading professional and scientific qualifications of its members and supporting research work;
  • development of appropriate forms of training and post-graduate education, adjusting training programs to the current needs;
  • cooperation in the training of qualified industrial hygienists and in the development of the most appropriate training programs;
  • stimulation of preventive activities leading to a reduction in the number of professional diseases and accidents at work and related sickness absenteeism through elimination of the health risk;
  • cooperation with professional occupational hygiene associations and institutions in Poland and abroad.

To accomplish its objectives, PAIH organizes scientific meetings, conferences and workshops and carries out publishing activities. The National PAIH Conference is organized every year, starting from 1993. The lectures are grouped in sections: chemical hazards, industrial toxicology, occupational physiology, physical factors, organization of health care prevention, etc.

The Association participates as co-organizer in the meetings and workshops organized by other institutions or scientific societies.

The Association is also very active in the committee establishing permissible occupational exposure limits for chemical, physical and biological agents in Poland.

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