Brazilian Association of Occupational Hygienists (Associação Brasileira de Higienistas Ocupacionais (ABHO)
Brazilian Association of Occupational Hygienists (Associação Brasileira de Higienistas Ocupacionais (ABHO)
Content Coming Soon
Programmatic content of the modular course and respective workloads
- INTRODUCTION TO OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE – 16 hours in person + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- LEGISLATION APPLIED TO OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE (History and technical-legal review) – 8 hours and 8 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- PHYSICAL AGENTS – 100 hours + 24 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- TOXICOLOGY – 8 hours + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- CHEMICAL AGENTS 40 hours + 12 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- NOTIONS OF INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION – 16 hours + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- SAMPLING STRATEGY – 16 hours + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM – 16 hours + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- ERPP (Environmental Risk Prevention Program) – 16 hours + 8 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- LEGAL ASPECTS AND EXPERTISE IN HO – 8 hours + 4 hours of directed study developed by the student.
- FP – FINAL PAPER – 4 hours.