Argentine Society of Occupational Hygiene (SAHIO) It is formed by Hygienist of recognized trajectory in our country, but also pretends to add young professionals in order to accompany them with continuous training in their technical development with the following objectives:
- To promote sustainable Health and Safety at work;
- To be a center of reference for all the actors of the Occupational and Environmental Health: support organizations, courts, civil society, universities and government agencies, industry chambers and associations;
- Encourage research and the implementation of knowledge;
- Provide academic excellence in the training of professionals, leaders and trainers with international projection;
- Defend the interests of Sector professionals;
- Improve the dissemination and public image of the specialty;
- Hierarchize the profession and facilitate the development of related careers;
- Offer an area of belonging and participation in a network to those who dedicate themselves to Occupational Health.
For the fulfillment of the social purpose, the entity may carry out the following activities:
- Carry out the study of scientific issues and problems, technological, economic, legal and teaching, referred to Hygiene and its related areas.
- Analyze the problem of the exercise of the professions linked to Hygiene and its related areas, at the national, provincial and local levels and propose or suggest in each case the solutions or measures that it deems necessary.
- Advise the Councils or Professional Associations, Universities and / or Entities linked to the specialty, on aspects inherent to Hygiene and its related areas.
- Advise national, provincial or local public agencies on matters related to the development of standards and standards and with academic training and the fields of application of Hygiene and related areas.
- Advise Worker Organizations on aspects inherent to Hygiene and its related areas.
- Promote, carry out and organize scientific-technological-academic-events (courses, congresses, conferences, seminars, etc.) related to the specialty.
- To be an advisory body for professionals dedicated to the sector.
- Promote actions of transparency and anticorruption in the professionals and entities linked to Occupational Hygiene.
- Promote research activities, teaching and dissemination of the specialty.
- Promote interaction with other professional Hygiene organizations and related areas, national, provincial or international.
- Promote training and updating in companies in the areas of hygiene in its various manifestations.
- Edit, publish and / or distribute printed and electronic documents related to hygiene and its related areas.
- Audit management systems or professional services in the field of Occupational Hygiene.
- Intervening with public decision makers: legislators, government and security agents and others, with awareness campaigns and dialogue tables on all aspects related to diseases in the work environment. The activities that require it will be carried out by qualified professionals, with an enabling title, and without profit